1. Spartan’s 5th Annual Customer Appreciation Golf Outing
  2. Flooring Answers: Vinyl Tile – Chapter Two Solid Vinyl Tile (SVT)
  3. Adding to Northeast Quotes, Sean Finsterbusch joins Spartan’s HQ.
  4. From Teaching to Processing, Chelsea Heuman Joins Customer Service
  5. Spartan Adds Nicole Gadaleta to HQ Customer Service
  6. Bringing product knowledge, Adrianna Jones joins Spartan Customer Service.
  7. From Coffee to Customer Service, Leif McCurry joins Spartan Surfaces
  8. Flooring Answers: Vinyl Tile – Chapter One Vinyl Composition Floor Tile (VCT)
  9. Adding to Orders, Dave Kirbach Joins Spartan Surfaces.
  10. Bringing in Customer Service guru, Spartan welcomes Meghan Clark